Boris Karlof meets Raiders of the Lost Arc. In other words, it has adventure, action, special effects, and just a trace of horror. The first remake of the Universal classic, this one goes more for the action aspects then the horror. In fact, good news for concerned parents out there, there is no gore and next to no blood in this flick. Proof that a movie can keep your attention without gallons of blood flowing across the screen.
It's the same basic story as the original, but no slow-moving mummy this, we're talking an ancient priest with magic powers that just keep on growing. Magic, action, even a little humor, this is a film with a jaw-dropping pace (you'll get the joke when you see the film).
Sinbce this is basically a B-movie with a really big budget and better actors and script then you'd normally find in such fare, I'll give it a rating on my Cheesey Scale, in this case a Provalone.