Third in the Narnia series, the book of which I have not read so we'll deal with it purely as a movie. Overall not bad, though if you're looking for large-scale epic battles there are no wars here. The big battles are more one-on-one, which is okay, and the Big Bad at the end is a big vague in nature. Still, it's an eventful voyage that, while not as epic as the first two pictures, is very good in its own right.
Now, I happened to see it in 3D, which I normally don't waste my time on, but a coupon gave me a free lunch so it balanced out. I'm not saying the 3D was bad- it wasn't- I just wish there wasI> some. The cedits had more 3D than the entire movie, which saved its 3D event for the last battle (complete with the obligatory 3D arrow shot along the shaft) and then at just a few key points. I did take my glasses off at enough points to see no difference between the "3D" vs regular 2D stuff. So when you see this movie, skip the 3D.
So overall, not as good as the others but still good, and here the 3D is a waste of time.