First let me say, true to the even-odd trek-movie curse, this is a very good film that I liked a lot. I say that now because I'm going to start with the nit-picking and didn't want you to get the wrong idea. Okay, so on with the review...
In the way of nit-picking, first off who made Janeway an admiral?! Next, a couple centuries of anti-gravity and they just reinvented the dune-buggy, steering wheel, tires and all; sounds like someone had a budget problem. Also, didn't Data have his emotion-chip fully working last movie? Because he sure didn't display any more emotions then the Data of about the middle of the series. Last is something I thought was a gaff but then realized it sorta wasn't... Last we saw Warf he was Ambassador to the Klingon Empire so what's he doing back on the bridge? A while later I realized I'd gotten so caught up in the rest of the film's action that I'd forgotten it started out as a wedding of two of Warf's friends so naturally he'd be there to attend. Of course they could have had someone ask him how being an ambassador was going or at the end wish him luck on the way back to the Klingon Empire, but like I said this is the nit-picking.
Okay, now the review stuff.
This is the best Next-Gen film ever and a very good one overall. The Romulans are back with their sister planet Remus (and is there anyone left that doesn't know they were modeled after the old Roman Empire? Romulus and Remus founded Rome and a Praetorian is an actual Roman official though not the leader of the Empire like for Trek's Romulans). The expected Maniacle bad-guy with a purpose, an enemy ship with a list of weapons longer that sounds like the number of crew quarters on the Enterprise, and one of the best space battles for Trek in a while, complete with the unexpected, one-on-one confrontations, and basically Picard going Shakespearian all over the screen. Cameos? I swear that was Wesley Crusher next to the good doc at the openeing wedding table but at no time thereafter. Does someone important die? You already know the answer to this if you've been keeping your ear to the ground over the past year. Does it matter in the end? Not really because they cheated. Is the climatic battle good? You bet.
Not the best (that would still be Wrath of Khan) but still very good. See it, enjoy it, revel in it.