Ben Stiller in a comedy with Robin Williams, Dick Van Dyke, and Mickey Rooney, what could go wrong? Absolutely nothing. Van Dyke and Rooney come in with bit rolls that are nonetheless quite pleasing, Williams is so perfect in his character that it took me a few moments to recognize him, and Stiller... Well, heonly tries his clumsey comedy by way of self-embarrasement in the first reel and that is fortunately overshadowed enough by everything else to be workable.
Down on his luck Stiller gets a job at a museum as the night watchman, quickly to discover that everything in there comes to life at night, the reason being pretty obvious by the time Dick Van Dyke gives him his first tour of the place. Mayhem initially ensues, only to discover that there's a plot afterwards, albeit a slender one that's just a good excuse to have Van Dyke do his thing one more time. This movie is fun, it's funny, and at one point at the end just the least bit heart warming. I enjoyed this movie a lot more than the last three, and as one additional bonus stay through the end credits for two more quick little scenes. The second of these end scenes shows that Dick Van Dyke's dancer legs are still made of rubber.
Skip Eragon, Apocalypto, and The Fountain and see Museum.