Inspired by the books by L. Frank Baum, it appears to be one of the few that actually took a look at said books. Telling the story of how the Wizard of Oz came into the land and gained his position of the big guy in the cloud of smoke, as well as the story behind a coupel of our favorite evil witchs, it is actually a really great rendition. The story is solid, the scenery is spectacular, and they even have a couple little bits of magic that only readers of the books would know about. For instance, in the first book is a city where the people are lioving china dolls, and sure enough one appears here as well. And, of course, we get to see three of the witches of Oz. (trivia: in the book there are actully FOUR witches: Glenda has a sister Good Witch of the South that makes a small appearance, making onhe witch for each of the four compass points). Oh, and is normal for a Sam Rami film, he manages to work in Bruce Campbell in a minor role.
Overall, this is a solid magical movie that I really enjoyed. See it now!