A psychological creature-hunt thriller in space that begins with an amnesiac suddenly awakening in a space-ship in trouble, filled with man-eating creatures, a problematic power system, and no way of accessing the Bridge to find out what's going on, where they are, and what their mission is. Enter in the possibility of a disease of the mind called Pandorum that results in a dangerous insanity, and you have a movie that mixes first-person video game action with mystery and the gorwing possibility that someone on the ship is completely insane.
Unlike many other movies that pretend to be mysteries where everything is given away at the beginning and the director giggles thinking that nobody will spot it until too late... then end up being really wrong... here we have a mystery that releases its clues in measured doses, just as the characters find them out themselves, giving the veiwer a chance to see if he can beat the characters to figuring out what's going on. Which means I was only a single reel ahead of them rather than guessing it all at the beginning. A movie with a dark setting and brutal action, it's not all that bad. Good matinee' material, ,and beyond that I'm not giving anything else away.