First off a couple of things. ONe, this movie is in Spanish and subtitled in English, so be warned (and keep those eyes alert because a couple of the captions are there and gone in an eye-blink); a fact I didn't know going in. Second, from what I saw of the Spanish title a more correct English title for this would be "Labyrhinth of the Faun", since Pan himself is nowhere in sight, but there is one of the faun/Satyr race (I remember my Greek mythology quite well). That said, on with the review.
Taking place somewhere around the 1940s in revolutionary Spain, while the mundane world expxlodes in conflict and rebels, a young girl is drawn into a fantasy world by a faun who tells her she is a lost fairy princess must must proove herself with three tasks. From there her exploits go virtually unnoticed by the adults who have their own problems, unaware and uncaring what effects events are having on her. All in all not bad though I have a little qualm with the style of the ending.
This film seems determined to never let the real world and the fantasy world mix in together, including in the ending where the girl returns to her kingdom, not in some tranbsformation sequence to be witnessed by one chance and significant adult as she goes to a place where they can never get to her again, but in a sequence that can also be interpreted as the girl's imagination as she lays there dying. Some call it artsy, I call it a cop-out in an otherwise very good movie.