People can be eminently peeve-able, so now they have their own page all to themselves. Anything specifically people oriented I've stuff into here. So read on because, because people can really peeve me.
At Crosswalks. Drivers who, when stopping at a stop light with a crosswalk, seem to think that those parallel lines are there to mark where their front and rear tires go and manage to straddle them perfectly. Then they look down their noses at anyone trying to cross the crosswalk, as if wondering what right any mere pedestrian or bicycler has to be there. Ever want to just run your bike straight across their front hoods?
Turning Right. A rampant problem we seem to have, at leasts here in California, is when a car comes up to an intersection to make a right turn. You're supposed to look left AND right then turn right? Well, too many look left AS THEY'RE TURNING RIGHT. They continue to just lok left all the way through the turn, without looking right at all. It doesn't matter if there's a pedestrian, biker, parked, car, or building in the way, they won't see it. And what's more, if they suddenly encounter anyone in the way (like hitting his bicycle so it costs $50 in repairs), they just get this offended "I'm not at fault because I'm in a car" look. But Fate has a way of evening things out from time to time- one guy turned right straight into the stop light pole. Said pole wasn't even scratched, but the front end of the car was totaled. Me, I'm thinking of getting a small but extremely loud horn to get their attention with (when they're least expecting it, he he...).
Technophobes. Let's face it, that old joke about the VCR clock always blinking 12 is more than old hat, what with VCRs that set themselves. The only reason why anyone can't set their VCR, microwave, or whatever is because they're afraid of technology and won't even TRY and touch anything with a circuit in it. Get a life people, all you have to do is read the instructions and flick the ON switch.
Militant Environmentalists. I'm all for good environmental practices, but the extremes that some environmentalists go to makes them as bad as the worst of the pollutors. Last I checked, attacking corporate or private ships is piracy, and making up or blowing up facts about some favored ecological niche is lying and that just throws a shadow over any real problems and people trying to do work for the environment that actually does some good.
Animal Rights Activists. A similar opinion to the above, breaking and entering, and some of the other things that animal rights extremists do, are all crimes, both legal and moral. Their argument is that we shouldn't experiment with our newest biochemical delites on these poor mindless creatures, my repsonse is to ask if they want to be the first to volunteer to take their place. After all, we still have to find out if a given wonder drug will work or just be poisonous before it hits the market, and killing people in the process of trying to find this out is the reason why Nazis were brought up on war-crimes trials.
Double Standards. Black Pride is okay, but White Pride is bigotry. John Wayne Bobbit's penis gets cut off and it's funny and is okay to joke about, but if a woman's breasts were to get sliced off by her husband then it's horrible and almost a prison sentence for he who tries to joke about it. If people are going to have standards they should stick to just one set.
People that talk in quotes. Need I say More?
Minorities can be prejudice too. There's nothing stopping someone from being a bigot just because he also happens to be black, green, or purple. Black or white, anyone can be prejudice.
Y2K Concern By The Techno-Incompetants. So much worry over what will fail first, but what these people fail to realize is that computer control systems, like those on nuclear reactors and such, worry only about things that happen on a time basis not calendar basis (ie: do THIS every X hours). Of course, these are the same ones that stillhave problems with programing self-programing VCRs.
Cell Phone Abuse. Some people just carry their cell phone everywhere they go, including places they shouldn't. Theaters, aerobics classes, why I even saw one guy's cell phone ring in a Yoga class. They just haven't got the idea that there are some places where it doesn't belong, where you are supposed to relax. We know you can afford them, just stop trying to show off.
When it's Black History Month and the Gay Pride parade marching past the Chinese School is being watched by a Women's Libber on her way to a meeting of The Society For Slashing Men, then I think that the whole idea behind racial/sexual pride has really gotten out of hand.
Sexual Harrassment. The whole thing has gotten way out of control in the wrong direction. We're going to breed ourselves out of existence in a generation if this paranoia keeps up.
Financial Analysts. If they're wrong and predict a stock will go up, say 20 cents a share and instead it only goes up 10, instead of admitting their projections were inaccurate, they call it a loss of earnings for that company... which in turn causes people to sell off their shares and plummet the stock. Self-fulfilling prophecies anyone? Egotistical fools maybe?
And the award for the most clueless politician goes to... Al Gore. 1 election and 3 recounts, loosing all four times, and he's still whining?
The Rainbow Coallition. Last I checked, a rainbow contains more then just one color and doesn't engage in Mafia-like tactics in extorting big companies. You know, white people aren't the only ones that can be racist.
People who pronounced "Homage" without the "H". It's not French and the "H" is there for a reason, so stop trying to act "continental".
Use Paper and save the environment; use Plastic and save the trees. Does anyone know what they're talking about?
Pavlovian Honkers. The traffic light turns from red to green, and just as you're moving foot from brake to gas the guy behind you has already slammed his hand down on the horn. It's like that green light is a trigger for their hand hitting the horn because they honk the very instant that light turns green, never mind the fact that the guy doing the honking couldn't even move his foot from brake to gas any faster unless they have the physical reflexes of a cheetah in heat.