Philosophical Pearls Of Wisdom

Here is where I shall put those random little nuggets of wisdom in neat-sounding phrases, philosophical trueisms phrased in a way that will make you sound like a cross between Socrates and Confucious. All phrases here are my original thoughts, direct from my brain to this page. Not too many at first (just started this and will add to it only intermittently), but- and in no apparent order- here they are.

The line between Tolerance and Apathy is finely drawn.

Wisdom lies in knowing what you are not, confidence lies in knowing what you are.

Neither a Follower nor a Leader be, just follow your own Path.

Spoken 4/30/04 10:48AM... "Greed doesn't think long term."

Spoken 7/25/04 11:45PM... "If you have to lie, maybe you don't have a point to make."

Spoken 3/08/2006... "Definition of a Religious Fanatic: When you put morality SECOND to the motions of religion, then you are a fanatic."