Another stndard Shlock Flick, with all the elements of a promising afternoon of fun and games. We havethe stranded castaways, with the one way off-planet being the small ship that inevitably cannot hold as many people as the movie starts out with. We have the suspect cop, the derranged killer, the stupid person you want to see killed, the slaughter of the innocent, and of course the creature in the night. Everything you'd expect from this genre.
Not really scary but still fun to watch. I appreciated the fact that it was not afraid to follow logical plot consequences even if it meant a death that lesser films would not have tried. Trapped on a world with three suns and no sunset, they manage to crashland during the one time in years that an eclipse happens; an eclipse that lasts a lot more then just a few minutes. Not too much in itself, but for the presence of creatures that love the night. Hungry creatures.
As far as the expected ratings warnings, this is a rated R flick, with enough mangled and crushed body parts to warrant it. So, keep the kiddies away. beyond that, I'll offer a Cheesey Scale rating as all movies of the Enjoyable Shlock genre fall within this rating system, and this film is no different. So with a rating of a Provalone, I offer it as a respectable matinee outing.