Eddie Murphy in outer space as a nightclub owner in trouble. That's the basis for an acceptable comedy placed on the Moon in the future some odd eighty years hence. Funny on some levels though not the best, but with enough gags and things to maintian interest.
One act of note is Bruno the robot. With his forced smile even when angry he's a character worth watching. Sort of a cross between Hymie the bot on Get Smart and Marvin the depressed robot in Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, just seeing him enter is often funny enough. He really adds to the film. Also of note is the unexpected pleasure of John Cleese.
Don't look too closely to the trailers though, as some of what they show are supposed no be a surprise. So, just go see it unprepared; that's often the best way for most films anyways. All in all I liked it; I've seen better and I've seen worse, which is okay for a film in the waning days of Summer.