I saw this one for one basic reason; this country seems to have this primitive belief that animated films automatically mean Hanna-Barbera style fare for kids under 10- a premise that I present the entire country of Japan as evidence against. Prince of Egypt is the long-awaited American-made film that actually starts to treat animation as a medium for everybody.
Yeah, sure there's still the inevitable music numbers, but there's no cute animals tagging aloing as unwanted comedy relief, and no occasional spat of unrealistically drawn pieces so you don't forget it's only a cartoon. It's a serious picture that just happens to be animation, and has a grandeur and style worthy of any live-adction picture.
The plot they didn't have to go too far to get- it's Moses afterall- in fact they even stole one or two small segments off the Ten Comandments, but then, that's a logical source to rip from for this, the first Moses film since that original one of Hollywood legend. The effects are good, and the whole film well animated, though I could have done with a bit lesss singing in the collage of scenes showing the various plagues visited upon the Egyptians in favor of a few more minutes of actually story depicting these plagues in detail.
All in all though, I'd say this was a prince of a movie.