The latest re-launch attempt of the Punisher comic to the big screen, this one definitely a lot bloodier... even cartoonishly so.
Okay, so if you don't like near-mindless violence, body parts exploding before your very eyes with no cut-aways, and guts flying free, then this is not your movie; go away, leave the theater quickly. Otherwise, however, this is a good movie for blowing off some stress by watching the Punisher blow everything before him away. The plot is basic; Punisher blows away a bunch of crime lord types in the opening scene, one of them survives horribly scarred to then change his name to Two-Face- I mean Jigsaw- and then goes after Batman- I mean The Punisher. Cue lots and lots of violence, Punisher saves the woman and child but everyone else dies (some friends included), and roll credits to some bad Rob Zombie screaming.
Good enough to be cheesey, and so earning a Motzarella for violence and fun-loving over-acting.