The third in the super girl versus zombies series, this time the world in the post-appocalyptic state that Umbrella Corp brought about, as the virsus not only escaped but did the world in. Enter the usual few survivors of humanity trying to find a life away from the living dead. Not the first filmn of this type, and probably not the last, but as one of the stars said in a recent talk show, "it's got hot chicks blowing things up".
Not all that bad, though to create some tention they still have a brain-dead corporation guy yet trying to make a power play for the few dozen people left in the world... like anyone would care at that point. Be that as it may, it has the expected amount of mindless violence and death as a group of people try to make their way across a changed Nevada with the help of Alice, whose talents from the previous movie just seem to keep on growing.
Good for the genre, and not too bad a hunk of cheese, I give it a Provalone.