The Series That Never Ends comes at us again, this time picking up at the end of the last film with our female lead getting captured by Umbrella Corp and having to break out of yet another of its facilities. From there the plot reads like that from a video game (not surprising), and naturally ends with a lead in to yet another Resident Evil film (which looks like it might be the last). Plot holes? Yes. Bad dialogue? Yes. Milla Jojovich still getting work? Okay, so that's a plus. And the Red Queen is back, despite the fact that said computer was greased in the first film (and what ever happened to that helpful White Queen from the second or third movie?). But is it entertaining? Well, if you've see the rest then you're pretty much stuck with wanting to see this thing through, so go see it matinee. If you haven't seen the rest then save yourself and go away.