It isn't often I give a movie a perfect ten; in fact, I never have. But if Sith isn't a 10 then it's about a 9.95 (just one sniggling little detail that seemed tacked on at the end that I would have inserted a set-up scene for at the beginning). The coniving Darth Sidious, The love of Anakin that is used to turn him dark, the heartbreak of Padme, Anakin's treachery, the battles, the tragedy, all of it in this one movie.
The seeds planted in Episodes I and II, all those subtle manipulations, this is where it all comes together, wrapped up in one massive tragic package. Even knowing to where it all must go, when the end comes it is still enough to moisten up one's face. Space Opera, Love story, tragedy, take your pick; Episode Three turns Anakin/Vader into a tragic figure and does it flawlessly.
In short, I really love this movie. Do not wait for the DVD, do not wait for the lines to thin out, just see it.
PS: Saw it twice.