This is one of those films that could have gone one of two very extreme ways. Fortunately it went in the more positive direction. Riddick is back, along with the two other survivors from Pitch Black, when the world-killing Necromongers create a situation that ends up with him being pulled out of his self-imposed isolation to save the stars from the Necro threat... thoughperhaps thereal reasonis because they'rein Riddick's way and just won't leave bad enough alone.
This is a very good start for what looks to be a very interesting trilogy. It has a good look, good mythology, some interesting characters, including one of an airy Elemental race and a soul-ripping bad guy.There's action and fight scenes butnot so overwhelming that thereisn't room for some dialogue, impliedthreats, and anactual plot. a facorite scenesays things best with fewest words:first Riddick says he'll kill someone withhis metal tea-cup, sets it down, then ends up killijg the guy, afterwhich when faced with additional threateningfaces he simply takes out what looks like a skate-key and lays it down in the same spot and waits; his opponents can't run away fast enough.
This film has it's own style for which Vin Diesel is practically type-cast (in a good way), a good pacing, and while some of the surprises are a bit predictable, quite enjoyable. See it before movie prices skyrocket too much.