"Wait, we need to make a witty comeback...," that line delivered by she-who-was-Buffy, Queenof the witty come-backs, "...Go Home!" Thein-jokebeing,of course, that she- as Dafny- delivers themost UN-witty come-back. And that about sets the pace for a fun and funny film built for some good laughs. Sure, using movie-psychology you can spot the bad guy really early on, but that doesn't spoil the fact that this isa really fun movie.
Piece of trivia to keep in mind for one scene (you'll know the one): Scooby Doo's name comes from a Frank Sinatra song involving the words "scooby-dooby-doo". 'Nuff said.
The plot is an excuse for cameo appearances from all manner of fake ghosts from the actual original series, at least one of which you will recognize.
The hook in this case is that this time the ghosts arereal, the problem being to find out why and stop them. thinplot as far as most movies go, big fat plot as far as cartoons go, and close to being Shakespear when compared to Godford Park (I really hate that film).This film is lots of fun, so ignore any detractions to the contrary and go see it.