A prequel to events in Th Mummy Returns, this is an origin picture about the Scorpion King character (who in this one is still a good guy, or at least not entirely evil), or basically an escuse for an old-fashioned Conanesque popcorn flick. A famous pro-wrestler with a look for both the ladies and admiring adolescents, a leading lady dressed most of the time in a few well-laid postage stamps and a bed curtain, and a few short chunks of hard rock just to justify the resulting CD, it's not too hard to figure out the sort of audience this thing's aimed for.
No big fancy effects, magic spells, or big budget computer-generated special effects, just people fighting, bad guys, and enough testosterone to hose down the audience watching. Definitely a B movie but a very good B movie and one that can hold us over until May comes around.
Like the two films that inspired it, this also rates on my Cheesey Scale, in this case a Gouda.