The latest in a loooong line of movies based on the orignal private detective, this one taking place in a time and place closer to that of the original source material (or so I'm told; I haven't read the books). This gives it a great period-piece atmosphere in which to place a typical Holmes plot with all its clues, fact-finding, twists, and ultimate conclusions.
I grew up with Basil Rathbone's Holmes, but that doesn't mean I'm slaved to it. I liked this period-Holmes, I liked the relationship between Holmes and Watson- as well the fact that this is not a bumbling Watson,- and I liked waiting to see how the supernatural elements would be explained in a rational scientific way as Holmes follows clues and deductive reasoning to figure out what he is told he will never figure out. Of course, if you know anything about Sherlock Holmes, then you don't need to be told who must be the mastermind behind the other masterminds, which makes this an origin story of sorts but not in a bad way at all.
I look forward to any further adventures of this Holmes and Watson.