The Bruce Willis yes-I-can-act vehicle, it'sa more or less standard supernatural thriller aout a boy who can see ghosts. Willis is the shrink who tries to determine what's wrong with the socially ailing boy, gradually finding out that what the boy says about talking to ghosts as if they were living people just may be true. From there it goes on into standard medium fare (so to speak), with the boy the frightened conduit between worlds.
The movie does have a twist, though I'd had it figured out within the first 10 minutes of the film (but that may just be me). Even so, the film was entertaining and I felt it somewhat satisfying to be proven right when the ending came. As a concept, I thiunk that somewhere some Hollywood suit is thinking that this just might make a good television series. He might be right. As a movie it made a good passable supernatural thriller.
It's pretty good for an August movie, though maybe there's still time for another Phantom Menace viewing.