Been a loooong while since I updated this page, so here's my current system, though if you're curious about the old one then read below. Anyway:
MAC G5 tower, dual monitor, 80GB HD + a second 360GB HD. Then all the usual bells and whistles.
Old System:
Amiga 4000, with Cybstorm Mark II '060, Fast SCSI II, 4X CD ROM (I know, I need to get a faster one!), ~103 Megs Ram, 1.08 GB Hard Drive, 9.1GB Hard Drive, 56K USRobotics modem, a CTX Multiscan monitor (that actually sinks down to 15.5), Microtek Scanmaker X6 flatbed scanner, and a couple of MLI 90-watt speakers (one of these days I'll have them in a place where I can dare to turn the volume up FULL without defening everyone in the house).
Translation for PCers: Yes, the '060 just goes 50 MHz and does 90 MIPS, but I don't have Windoz bogging it down to the equivalent of an 8-bit system, so it actually comes out pretty darn fast (all those lovely custome chips help). Okay, so 103 Megs doesn't sound like much to you? That's because you're used to clones! The Win-World needs 32 Megs just to get the operating system to run- now can you ASK for a more inefficient OS? (don't- Microsloth will probably come out with one the minute faster systems come out). Now, the Amiga's OS is really efficient; it can run a perfectly passable windows/GUI OS on 256K, or about a meg if you want to juice it up with all sorts of utilities and hacks... I got 103 TIMES that; does that give you an idea how far my RAM goes?! And oh yeah, PCers: can you guys even drag your screens down? Comes in real handy :)
To Amiga Users: We knew this already ,)