After a quick treat of a trailer for theupcoming Kill bill, followed by thelogos of THREe different outfits involved in the making of the main feature, i got to see T3: Rise of the Machines. My first concern was how they were going to fit this one into the timelines of the previous two movies, but that turns out not to be a problem; everything fits fine, but telling anymore about that would be spoiling the plot.
The basic sequence of the flick is pretty much the usual; one terminator comes back on a killing spree and old Arny comes back as a second one sent to protect the usual round of humaniy's saviors. We then have the excuse for all the action, special effects, and mayhem the film crew no doubt wrecked on the location shoots.
Overall it's a pretty fair summer action popcorn flick and don't expect a thing more. Just nice mindless fun with a bit of plot thrown in. Soundtrack's not bad too, though you have to wonder when the end-credits come rolling by and they give credit for 6 to 8 pop and rock songs that were NOT in the movie, and that piece of trash-pop-rock-whatever they stuck in the middle of the end-credits was, as usual, completely unnecessary.
I wonder if there'll be a T4...