In an effort to completely mess up an already fragile timeline, we have Terminator: Genisys. Now, the previous films, if you could graph it on four-dimensioonal graph paper, still held together as far as the basic logic goes. Judgement Day is inevitable for the simple reason that John Connor exists; when you see him siuddenly fade out then you know you're on a lot better time line. But now we have something that- Well, it still connects up save for one significabnt detail. At the beginning was have "Pops", an old T-800 arne-bot sent back to protect Sarah Connor when she was 9 years old and a T1000 came back to kill her. Who sent the old Arne-bot? They specifically avoid that answer, saying, "No one knoes, not evemn Pops," and they don't even amnswer it at the end. This is significant in that the rest of the logic of the plot hinges on the fact that 1) for some reason, in this iteration, Skynet suddenly decided to send the kill bot back to 9 year old Sarah, and 2) some unnamed person sent back her rescuer, even though when we see the time machine rev up we know there is no timer for John Connor or anyone else to have sent anything else back because, also in this iteration, Skynet is suddenly waiting for them there in person ready to slaughter everyone after they send John's dad-to-be back in time.
So, aside from that big-enough-to-drive-a-semi-with-a-T1000-through-it plot hole, the rest works okay. Oh, and there is a mid end-credits scene which will have you sighing and going, "Oh not again, please make it stop already."