A possibly unnecessary remake of the original, The Fog has the same basic plot; wronged-ghosts returning to wreck vengeance on a small coastal town. In the original it was a bunch of sailors with hooks that had been lost at sea when the town turned off the lighthouse (or somethting like that; it's been a while), and then placing a curse to return 100 years later. In this one it's not a 100 year curse but one that gets unleashed when someone disturbes the spirits' remains, and the way in which they were wronged is different as well. Those differences aside, the rest is basically the same, though here the lighthouse-radio lady is not the main character so more attention can be placed on the Tom Welling character and another girl.
As a remake, I'd have to watch the original again for a propper comparison, but plot differences aside the visual effects are better (one would hope so after about 20+ years), though the acting seems a bit stilted and stalled in places. Aa far as the horror factor, well that's the risk in a remake; you already know everything that's going to come along. No big surprises (though a little twist at the end) though not all that bad. A minor mystery, some killings more reminiscent of Final Destination than the original Fog, and eye-candy for both the boys and girls. All in all, not too bad but not a classic either.
Don't pay more than matinee, or maybe wait for the DVD.