The second Thor movie picks up on Asgard right after the Avengers movie with Loki getting his sentencing. The new backstory for this one are the Dark Elves, who are basically the Shadows out of Babylon 5. They were defeated long ago and now want to return in time for a conjunction so they can turn the lights out on the Universe. First off, the scripting, plot, and dialogue are solid, even down to the little bits of situational humor spinkled about. The scope is great, the battles are good, and Loki is fun to watch as he does his usual tricks. Overall, this is a worthy follow-up to the first Thor movie and worth the matinee' admission.
Two notes, though, and both of them are in the end credits. This movie does a first, in that it doesn't just have one epilogue scene midway through the credits, but a second epilogue scene later at the very end of the credits. So stay in that theater and catch them both.