To give you an idea of themono-direction of tyis re-writing of the Iliad, this film should just be renamed Achilies, because the entire story is centered nearly totally on that one character, reducing Odysius to a minor side roll, and leaving out the parts involving the Greek gods entirely. Of all the Greek heros present in the trojan war, the only other one present was Ajax, though the casting on him was perfect; i knew it was Ajax before he was identified as such.
The entire 10 year war was also reduced to about 2 weeks, not to mention achilies death rewritten to keep him throughout the entire movie. In the originalstory, he was killed before the horse allowed the Greeks to penetrate the walls, but in this one he was killed while troy burned, though they did still have it with Paris shooting him in the heel with an arrow.
All that said, it was still an enjoyable enough movie, though not up there with Gladiator in the feel nor on a par with Lord of the Rings in terms of the epichness of the battles. Brad Pit pulled off a good enough Achilies, and the assorted main characters of Troy were well cast, I just wish they would have done a similarly good job for the Greek side. The Iliad has so many characters, that's it's hard not to miss the involved deities, the one woman of Troy cursed to see the future with no one in Troy believing her, not to mention Zeus cussing out his children for getting involved on both sides of the conflict. this version is well enough done and enjoyable in the watcjhing, but let a could of weeks pass and it will soon be forgotten.
Very well done, but not the immortal epic of The Iliad.