This entire movie is based around a single plot twist. Unfortunately that's all it has. Don't get me wrong, it's still an okay film, but take away the teist at the end and it just lays there flat. A plot twist should add something extra and unexpected, not be something needed to make the film work.
Bruce Willis finds out that there may be something quite strange about himself, and then spends the rest of the filmn becoming convinced. With a few laughs and interesting bits here and there, we then spend the better part of two hours waiting for him to find out the really good part that will accelerate this film into something either really exciting or interesting.
But, with a sigh, as the film comes to a close we find out that the initial suposition is ALL there is to know about his condition, he just goes through his standard subdued characterization to an end point they could have done within the first half hour. But wait, there's a twist...
Unfortunately the twist involves something that leads to nothing more then Willis walking away shaking his head followed by a caption telling us what happened afterwards. There is only mild surprise at the revelation and no emotion attached to it as there would have been had they set up the plot better for it. Our plot twist is merely someone revealing an undisclosed fact, then leading to no action other then the aforementioned walking away and captioned text. What's more, you can see the twist coming; after everything has happenbed that's going to happen, when Willis is then walking into a back room you know this must be where the twist comes in at. And you'd be right.
There are some good bits in this film, but as a whole it leads us to a point where we expect more then the writers were ready for.