The sequel to Underworld, it picks up about less than an hour after the end of the first movie, start9ng with our two heroic leads on the run to get to Markus before he awakens to try and gain his sympathy, then Marku- the last elder- awakening with a new surprise for everyone. The rest revolves around the real origin of the vampires and Lycans and a littrle puzzle or two, as the race starts to find out what's really going on before Markus gets what he's after. Aside from being a good solid adventure, this film answers a few little questions brought up by the first movie.
I enjoyed the first film but this one's even better, and with a nice dramatic score as well (unfortunately, the available CD contains NOTHING from this movie, just the usual trash-rock pout out by looser groups the studio couldn't otherwise market). A very good film, there is just one small sticking point of a scene and that's more for those that cringe when laws of Nature get overly violated. There's ascene where the big bad guy is yanking onto a cable that goes up to a hovering helicoper and- yes, you guess it- he pulls down the helicopter to crash on the ground, despite the engines going full out. Mind you, he has zero leverage, his feet are holding onto nothing, and so all the chopper has to do is lift up and the guy's dangling (or better yet, hit the cable-release); the best the guy shosuld manage is a quick climb up the cable. I know it looks great and all but all they have to do is have the guy stick his feet straight into solid rock or something and then he's anchored.
Obvious nitpick aside, this is a very good film, better than the first with a good dramatic feel. Note to the studio, however: please, oh please, when you put out a soundtrack at least put the soundtrack on it; we're paying to hear music from the movie, not from some hack garage band.