I guess I'm getting pretty good at guessing this guy's plot twists, because after the first 5 or 10 minutes of the movie and having just seen what the setting is suppoosed to be, I merely thought of what would be the most unthought of, most outrageous plot twist for the circumstance and predicted that would be the final twisat... I meant it jokingly but turns out I was right on the money.
The latest film by M. Night Shamalnadingdong, it concerns life in a quaker-like village circa 1897, if to judge by the fresh tombstone at the opening scene, and how they are living side by side with the threat of mysterious and deadly creatures living in the woods all around them. As usual in his films, keep at open eye; those minor inconsistencies the observant may spot are actually clues to what's actually going on.
Is it any good? Well, it's okay, though the ending may have some people screaming; I saw it coming so the most it got from me was a slight groan and an "he did do it." A bit of a let down from the point of view of being a true horror film, the twist at the end appears to be the entire point of this film, never mind what may lead up to it. Twists are fine but they shouldn't be the only pay-off. All in all, about a shade above mediocre.