Based on the book of the same name, and by default a remake of the original movie, tis time Jonny Dep is the Wonka man in an adaptation that is both faithful, amusing, yet somehow lacking in that final magical spark that could make it truly great.
Don't get me wrong, I liked it. But a month from now people will barely remember it, while 30 years after the first movie it's still a classic. Gene Wilder was a flamboyant Wonka, while Dep is a lot more reserved though a bit off-center; sort of like that kid that never grew up crossed with that man no self-respecting parent would ever let their kids near. The singing Oompa Loompas are there, thoughmore in a Vegas-style stage show with nearly incomprehensible lyrics that aren't near as memorable as the old "Ommpa Loompa, Doo-bity-Do", but no orange skin this timne, though with the gag that all of them have the exact same face. No other singing numbers, however, wich may be one of the other things missing from the final magic. Of the other actors, Charile is great, Mike TV isn't quite as enjoyable as the original, and the other kids are good but missing a little enthusiasm. Another small point is where Uncle Joe gets up from the bed for the first time, but instead of some dramatic build-up for it, he just jumps up and dances; sort of takes away from the moment.
Tim Burton has crafted a more subdued gentler tale here, steering clear of the added flare and energy of the original, one with some whimsey and an ending that goes farther along then the first film. It is different and good enough, but if put up against the Gene Wilder Wonka it wouldn't stand a chance. I just dond't think that Tim Burton should have shown quite so much restraint, and coached Depp into letting loose a little bit more than he did.