This film rates a review for two reasons: It was inda fun, 9in a brain-dead sortr of way, and I needed more flicks to rate on my Cheesey Scale.
Based on the computer game of the same name, it has enough action to rate a cheap matinee if the prices stop rising. The technical aspects, though, show an extreme lack of thought and immagination. As a whole it looks like someone just took what would be a stanbdard naval sea battle and transplanted it to space- without any chnage for such minor details as three-dimensional tactics.
You got your standard battleships, submarines- complete with torpedos (and yes, they call them that instead of missiles) launched from the underside, carriers- the whole sea-going candy store. There's even a ship to ship broadside (you'd think someone would be smart enough to come up from under the ship and fire straight up). I almost expected to see a ship sink, despite the fact that there's no gravity for anything to sink into in space.
Don't expect much out of this film, see it as a cheap matinee, or better yet a dollar a day rental when it comes out for VCRs. On my cheesey scale this particulr piece of fun-loving drek rates a Brie.