A remake of the old Universl classic, the first such in fact, and it holds many elements true to the original. From the period, setting, and look of the Wolfman, all are true to the origina material while being updated with modern techniques. It is also quite bloody, though not just random gore all over the place but strategically placed for maximum jump factor. Not a wolfman for the little kiddies.
Thge Wolfman makeup is more in the flat-nosed tradition of the original and not the modern-eroa long-snout type, but updated with more convincing modern makeup techniques. This is a plus. Anythny Hopkins, Hugo Weaving nd what looked like a quick camio of his buddy Golem, and a surprising turn by Burnini Del Toro (Orhowever youspell it). Who would a thought a spandiar would have given a convincing performance as an Englshman? What's more, he had the perfect dark brooding look for the part (think Barnabus Collins). No complaints here, this is the perfect Monster Matinee' flick.