At last, a laugh out loud riot that- Oh, this is supposed to be a drama. Okay then...
another zombie apocalypse movie, this one action-packed enough, with all the usual zombie threats, but it does have a few flaws in the plot. At the risk of spoilers, I'll list a couple.
First off, apparently these zombies 1) change over in about 10 seconds after being bitten, 2) don't care about eating anyone just one bite then move on, 3) are super-fast, 4) are super-strong, and 5) have an amusing teeth-chattering habbit (not sure if they'ds actually intended it to be amusing). This makes them not so much zombies as rabid super-dogs. Some may say this is just bringing zombies up into the modern age, but I think it looks more like they were playing the film a bit too fast. It's almost comical at times.
Okay then we have a scene in Jerusalem. It's been established that our hero has been told that these things are attracted by loud noises. So when the pep-ralley starts broadcasting over the loud speakers, he spends about 5 minutes just listening and enjoying before he thinks to say, "Oh, too much noise," but that's only after he's spotted them coming over the wall. Oh, and the patrol helicopters are pretty bad at spotting the obvious and dealing with it ("Hey, is that a pile of zombies trying to get up the wall?" "Not sure; let's circle around a few dozen times before shooting them."). A bit slow on the uptake, maybe?
Okay, now for what some might term as somewhere between comedic and pathetic. He's finally arrived at a World Health Organization lab, and they show him a video of how their bio-hazard containment room got breached when one of their doctors was examining a contaminated blood sample. Now, if you've seen enough movies with bio-hazards in them, you know the guys have on their level-five biohazard suits with the big hoods, thick gloves, and then they keep the sample in a thick-walled glass case accessible only by those special push-through gloves things or some sort of mechanical arms. right? Well, here, the guy is dressed only in a lab coat, handling it with his hands, and pricks his finger on the pitri dish and gets infected. Then, instead of the containment doors locking that one small room down, somehow it gets out and infects all 80 people in that wing. Like I said, laugh-out loud funny... or pathetic, depending.
A plot should flow naturally, not through a series of manufactured elements of stupidity to make it work. That said, as an action pic, if you put the working parts of your brain on hold, it should make for a decent matinee', but if it's zombie appocolypse you like, stick with The Walking Dead.