Well, they finally showed the episode wherein they reveal just what happened to Muldur's sister. Or did they?
Yes, they told where she went after her kidnapping, how she was raised on a military base withplenty of opportunity for some cewll samples taken to make those clones from, and then they did indeed reveal how she excaped, thence hunted down by the Smoking Man, only to disappear... apparently turned into a ghost without benefit of actually dying, to then decide to reveal herself to Muldur in some old lady's back yard.
Now, ignoriung the fact that she could have apeared nearly anywhere else at any other time, there's the small fact of the explanation of her transformation being extremely unsatisfactory in context of usual X-Files faare... or nearly anything else of any logic. This series is famous for being mysterioius, but there comes a time when even mysteries must be fully revealed, especially if the plot calls for it like it's screaming for it like this is now.
Frustraytion is finally dampening my ardor forthis series, where it's become standard fare to never answer any major plot complication no matter how many have built up. If yuo're going to give an answer then give one that works or no one's going to bve watching it anymore.
Including me, if things don't shape up.