Celebrate, we have a new movie franchise. Straight from the comic books, X-Men is an entertaining comic romp that starts us off at the very beginning. Wolverine and Rogue are the new ones in town, fresh to the existence of both the X-Men and Magneto's mutants and key to the main plot. Plenty of room left to develop both plot and characters in future installments.
Wiz-bang special effects aside (and they are great), the plot is solid enough and sufficient for any good superheros flick. Magneto has an agenda and it involves one of the X-Men. Enter Dr. X to try and stop his old friend and keep the world of mundanes intact. Put some neat special effects in there and lots of mutant stuff and it's a pretty enjoyable film.
I'm not going to even try and compare it to the original comics; I'll leave that to those who know a lot more about it then I do. I will say that I would have appreciated a bit more superhero flash (like a lot more of what Storm is really capable of and they were holding Jean Grey back as well), but maybe they blew their special effects budget on Mystique's makeup (definitely a good backdrop pic for your computer).
See it? Yes. Make more X-men movies? Definitely. X-Men is the Batman of the new century, but let's just hope this franchise is trated a lot better.
though with Stan Lee exec Producing how can it fail?