My Halloween Page

Since I was about 13 years old I've been making up my own Halloween haunted houses, open only on that one night for kids, adults, and the occassional tipsey party goers from down the street. It has grown over the years from just myself to a crew of me and my friends. Each year I have a different theme, some better thne others, some with more of a crew then others, but I always attract crowds that line up down the street for several continuous hours.
Only recently has anyone begun to take pictures of the events and then not too sequentially. So, I've rounded up what pictures I've found and put them up here for anyone that wants to to see how I celebrate Halloween. Just follow the links to picture galleries of Halloween's past and enjoy our fun...

Halloween 2014
Halloween 2013
Halloween 2012
Halloween 2011
Halloween 2010
Halloween 2009
Halloween 2007
Halloween 2006
Halloween 2005
Halloween 2003
Halloween 2001
Halloween 1996 (we think... we're pretty sure, actually)

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