Enter if you dare
One of the cavern's creatures (and me in back with some sort of photo artifact covering up my face)
Really big ceiling flower
And from another angle
And about to swallow someone
The pit area
A better view but before we got the bubbling blood in it
On the right is one of our fake cavern boulders
Me caught inside the web while setting it up
A view from inside the webbing
The ice cavern before the roof is put on and without all the smoke and stuff

Halloween Pics 2005

Caverns of the Underdark was the theme for this year, and it brought in people all the way over from Pasadena! (about 3 cities away for any out-of-towners). Stalagtites, a fog-filled cavern with boulders to hide behind, pit of blood, huge flower coming down from the ceiling, a giant spider web that reaches out for you from the wall just as you're backing away from that chained monster on the wall, then ending with an ice cavern complete with strobe and fog. Top it all off with a four-foot two-tube blacklight hanging overhead and it all turned out pretty good. As usual. Just wish I could have gotten some better pictures but I wasn't the one with the camera on Halloween night.

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